December's Special Project

Anyone who knows me knows I am not the best quilter in the world. And I would agree. But the one thing I struggle with is sewing a straight line. I have mostly blamed it on my machine. But as the years have gone by, I have purchased many machines that had many features, but sewing a straight line has never been one of them.  

So first off... You should hold your threads when you start... Not like me.  And its fairly straight, this time.

So I ask you, can you sew a straight line?  

That perfect 1/4" seam allowance has always eluded me. I can draw the perfect line (hahahaha), 1/4" from the edge of my fabric, using a ruler, and neither it, or my sewing on it, are ever straight. Paper piecing, where the lines are straight, I can't sew them straight either.

AND... those last 5 stitches that tend to wander off at the end of the seam... Well, how in the world does that happen.

I started out with a machine with a 5mm stitch width when I was mostly sewing clothes. It was great for that purpose because a 5/8 inch seam allowance worked out perfectly because the whole seam allowance was on the feed dogs.

When I purchased my 9mm Stitch width machine things changed.  These machines were mostly developed for their capability to make decorative stitches and alphabets really pop, and not for sewing the perfect 1/4' seam, (because you were always sewing, minus a feed dog).  Of the over 100 stitches on it, I didn't see 1 button that said, "sew a perfect 1/4" seam allowance". Not to mention that a .25" is something like 6.35mm, much smaller than .35" (9mm The distance between feed dogs).

Hmmm... Buying that fancy machine didn't help my 1/4" seam. And the manufactures soon learnt that and had to scramble by adding a single hole plate... and a special foot, with a guide, and like my Bernina, another special foot that works best with a 9mm machine. 

Those extra tools helped, BUT... here's the thing, I still can't sew a straight seam and that dang slither at the end of my seam, still happens. Do I really care... Excuse me... you with the measuring tape, move back from my block!

But there are lots of people on line who have all the answers.  I even read something the other day, that I am going to try, to stop the slither. She suggested you put your left index finger or a stiletto on the left side of the foot as you reach the end of the seam. I'll let you know how that works for me.

Here's some hints for you that I found on line:

Tools for sewing a "perfect" 1/4" seam allowance

  1. Quarter inch foot.
  2. Single hole needle plate.
  3. stack of post it notes.
  4. Magnetic seam guide.
  5. Seam allowance rulers.
  6. Leaders and enders (help for the "slither")
  7. If you have a special guide let us know in the comments below.

This month's Special Project!


Sew two strips together, a minimum of 18" long. Then take a ruler and draw a line 1/4 inch from the edge in PENCIL. 

DON'T fix, redo, or try harder than you would normally when sewing a seam together in a project. BE HONEST. Next month come back with those two strips and if it's perfect be prepared to shower the members with your methods of sewing a perfect start to finish 1/4" seam allowance. AND comment below on how you feel this experiment went.

The REAL Special Project!

Once you've completed this little experiment you will have weeks and weeks left to make a special project using strips and sewing straight seams.

This little quilt has hung on my fridge since 2009. Its special for many reasons...
  1. Its small..probably 9" square.
  2. It has a label on the back.
  3. It was hand quilted.
  4. It was made by a very dear member of our Guild, Brynhild Hansen.
  5. And it seriously looks perfect!

Here are some ideas for you... 
  1. Log Cabin block
  2. Rail Fence blocks
  3. Jelly Roll Race (who cares about straight seams in this one... lol)
  4. Quilt as you go patterns
  5. Brick Wall
  7. What will your imagination bring?
Try and keep in mind our little Quilts auction at our next show.. and follow Brynhilds lead above, Little, with a label. 

Ready, Set Go.... See you next month!


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